A Talk with Doc Kelley and Chris Dingman of
“Severing Ego at Judson Church”
“OM! Soaking Up Psychedelic Sangha’s Bardo Bath Deep Dive”
“A spiritual community without a guru’: Take a trip inside Bardo Bath ‘Psychedelic Sangha’, where meditation mixes with rock music”
By Bob Krasner. The Villager: June 15, 2022
Psychedelic Sangha: “Sounds from the Bardo”
Vol. I & II
By Daniel Burke
Aquarium Drunkard: February 12, 2021
“Psychedelic spirituality: Inside a growing Bay Area religious movement”
“Zen Of The Dead - with Christopher Kelley of Psychedelic Sangha”
Buddha Buzz Weekly: Oct. 27, 2018