Reflections on 'Be Here Now' with Daniel Shankin of Tam Integration


Over the holidays, Doc Kelley of Psychedelic Sangha and Daniel Shankin of Tam Integration held a casual video chat about the life and legacy of Baba Ram Dass. They reminisce about their first, decisive encounters with Be Here Now. They flip through its pages, reading and even performing favorite passages. (The chat includes a very special guest appearance by Psychedelic Sangha NYC co-organizer Kilian Ganly. Stick around for an impromptu lesson in acting and metaphysics, around the 22:00 mark!)

Presented by Mt. Tam Psychedelic Integration: And Psychedelic Sangha: Join Doc Kelley of Psychedelic Sangha and Daniel Shankin (Sitaram Das) of Tam Integration as they reflect on the role that Be Here Now has had in their life and practice.

“We’re talking about someone who really ushered in a huge paradigm shift.” —Doc Kelley

“We watched the process of somebody who was very neurotic, by his own definition, turn into somebody who was a refuge for others, through a relationship to a guru and to his own heart that was that guru as well.” —Daniel Shankin

“For me, sādhanā is everything. It is bringing the sacred into the mundane, or the conflation of the sacred and the profane, in that it’s a way of structuring your reality so that everything you’re doing is part of that narrative of quest.” —Doc Kelley

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Jonathan Moodie